Moltex Inc.
Partnering with Moltex Inc. to improve federal funding support for nuclear advances in Canada.
Our team assisted Moltex Energy receive funding support for their conceptual Small Modular Reactor (SMR) design.
Porter O’Brien successfully led efforts to not only persuade the federal government to make SMRs eligible for the Strategic Innovation Fund, but to also approve Moltex’s application for funding. This resulted in Moltex being one of only two approved candidates from the dozens who applied . The financial support provided to Moltex was also, notably, two-and-a-half times greater than the other successful proponent.
Our firm additionally helped to advance a Canadian Nuclear Association-led initiative to successfully persuade the federal government to include nuclear projects in various green energy funding programs. This led, in part, to the Canada Infrastructure Bank reversing its decision to not fund nuclear projects and to invest nearly $1 billion in an SMR project at Darlington, Ontario.
Porter O’Brien is proud to have played a role in supporting Moltex Energy and in advancing the development of clean energy in Canada.
“On March 18, 2021, the federal government announced $50.5 million dollars in funding for Moltex Energy, with matching funds that will also be used to progress through Phase 2 of the VDR. Federal funding which was provided through the Strategic Innovation Fund Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency ( ACOA): The Canada Infrastructure Bank, a federal Crown corporation, has made a deal with Ontario Power Generation to provide $970 million to build the country’s first small modular reactor. Over ten years, the deal will fund construction of a 300-megawatt small modular reactor next to the existing 3,500-megawatt Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington, Ont.”