Market Research
Guesswork and gut instincts aren’t enough to keep your business ahead.
That's where market research comes in: there's an art and a science to making sense of your markets.
We have the skills to understand your audience, develop effective marketing strategies, and help you make evidence-based decisions.

Market Analysis
Market analysis plays a key role in enhancing service satisfaction through improving understanding of customers, competitors, and trends. Porter O’Brien has significant experience helping our clients to not only understand their marketplace, but also ensuring they have the strategies needed to successfully capitalize on current and emerging opportunities.

Surveys are a reliable way to gather new information about customers and target markets. Unlike other methods, surveys also offer clients an opportunity to gain insightful details that can enrich their business understanding.
Porter O’Brien is equipped to support you, step by step, through designing, administering and analyzing surveys that are unique to you and your research needs.

Focus Groups
Focus groups aren’t a one-hit wonder. Their format, questions, and style can be easily adapted in different places, cultures, and communities to provide a scalable form of market research.
Focus groups gather a targeted group for a facilitated discussion about their impressions of an idea, product, or campaign. The value of this method is that it allows us to engage with participants, gather detailed responses and even gauge body language.
Porter O’Brien offers a wealth of experience in facilitating this type of research and can support you throughout all stages of the project.

Opinion Polling
Opinion polls are the best tool for when you want to understand what a general demographic thinks about a given issue. Through asking groups of people specific questions, Porter O’Brien helps our clients get an overview of the public perspective, enabling them to take targeted actions.
With many years of experience leading this type of research, we can help provide you with unique and sometimes surprising insights into the views of your stakeholders.